To upload a file for cheque printing, follow the steps below from the Cheque Printing Maker ID.
Note: Please clear your cache/cookies in your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc)
Step 1: Log in to iBusiness as a Maker
- Click iManage
- Click Remote Cheque Printing >> Click Remote Cheque Upload & Printing
Step 2: The system will be redirected to the Remote Cheque Printing Screen.
Step 3: Select the Account Number and Template Name to attach the file
- Click Download Template file to get the Cheque Printing Template
- To know how to fill out the Cheque Printing Template, download the Guideline Template File or go to the article "How to Fill out Cheque Printing File?"
Step 4: Click the Choose File button below
- Once uploaded, click on Submit
Step 5: Notification will appear on the top of the screen confirming the batch has been uploaded successfully
- A reference number will appear with the notification
Step 6: Scroll down and the system will display the list of Batches for Verification
- You can narrow the list by selecting them from and to date and/or selecting the options from the dropdown under the Status and Account Number - Name field
- Scroll to the right to view the Current Status of the batch
- If the status is "Batch Validation Successfully", the file has been sent to Cheque Printing Verifier for Verification
- If an error is identified in the file, the Rejected Transaction will reflect the details of the error in the file.
- The file needs to be revised and re-uploaded until you get the status "Batch Validation Successfully".