Please refer to below to know how to fill out the WPS Salary File.
Kindly ensure to strictly comply with the following template provided to avoid rejection.
- All columns are mandatory except – “VariablePay” and “Leave”. (These two columns can be blank)
- The first row (Heading row) on the template should not be changed.
- Sheet name should remain as Sheet1 and should not be changed.
Field Name | Description |
EmpId | This is the unique employee id in the company(normally maintained in the company HR system) |
Employee Name | Name of the employee |
Employee_Type | This field should be selected from the list provided. Values for this column are: “N”- New employee or the employee’s salary is processed in CBD-WPS system for the first time. This has to be N when you send the file for the first time. “E” – Existing employee. (Salary of this employee was processed through CBD-WPS system at least once before) “C” – Change – Existing employee whose details has changed since the last salary. |
Salary | Net amount to be paid to the employee including variable pay. |
VariablePay | This is the extra payments like overtime allowances etc. this amount should be included in the salary Amount. Negative amount not allowed in this field. |
AccountNo | IBAN or Account number of the employee with the “Agent”- (bank exchange house etc.). In case CBD Rateb card holders account number is same as the employee id provided by CBD. |
AGENT_BANK-RTN_CODE | This is the routing number of the bank or Agent where the employee receives salary. |
MOL_PERSONID | This is the unique ID provided by Ministry of Labor for each employee. (Accepts maximum of 35 digit personal No: on the face of the employee’s labor card) |
Sal_Month | Month for which the salary is paid. This should be 2 digit numeric. (Eg: “12” for December) |
Sal_Year | Year for which salary is paid. It should be 4 digit “yyyy”. |
FromDate | Start date of the salary – This should be in the dd/mm/yyyy format |
ToDate | End date of the salary - This should be in the dd/mm/yyyy format |
Leave | Number of days the employee was on leave with in the salary period. |