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Financing Request Dashboard and Status Print

Step 1: Click on Trade Services > Financing Request


Note: User permissions should be in place to work with Financing Request. If not, contact your Corporate Administrator.


  • The Financing Request Landing page displays a list of Financing Requests based on its transaction status. If you would like to check the status of a Financing Request, you would be able to see it on this page in the relevant.


Live- Lists all the approved Financing Requests records and the expired Financing Requests records by the bank. (Maker)

Draft - Lists all the Financing Requests events in draft state and also the transactions that checker has returned for improvement. (Maker)

Actions - Lists all the Financing Requests transactions on which the bank has requested further action. (Maker)

Pending Approval - Lists all existing Financing Requests transactions that are awaiting approval from a second user within the corporate. (Checker)

Pending at Bank - Lists all existing Financing Requests that are awaiting bank approval. (Maker)

Rejected - Lists all the rejected Financing Requests records by the bank. The status given to such Financing Requests is "Not Processed".

Other - Lists all the Financing Requests transactions that are either expired or have been marked as purged by the bank. You cannot initiate further amendments or messages on such a transaction and can only use its data for inquiry purposes.

  • If you would like to check the status of a Financing Request, you would be able to see it on this page in the relevant tabs.
  • The following buttons are also available in the Financing Request Landing page:

Initiate Financing Request - Use this option to initiate a new request for Financing Request. (Maker)

Initiate Islamic Financing Request - Use this option to initiate a new request for Islamic Financing Request. (Maker)

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